View your invoice listed below.

Contact Information

Phone: 800.800.8304
Fax: 972.991.5218

New Benefits, Health & Medical - General, Dallas, TX

Payment Authorization

Payment information is secured by SSL encryption.

Notice: This payment will be a single non-recurring transaction.
Payment information will not be stored for future transactions.

Pay Full Amount

All member additions and deletions must be received prior to the last business day of each month, and therefore no retroactive adjustments will be accepted If there is an issue with the invoice as displayed, please add the specific member numbers being disputed and the reason for such dispute. The balance will remain on your account until research has been conducted and a credit memo will be issued if the dispute is accepted.

Member numbers can be separated by spaces, commas or new lines (e.g. 1234567, 1234568, etc.).

Total Amount Disputed: $0.00

The Total Disputed Amount will be adjusted in the Payment Amount below after a payment method is selected.

 (Available for invoice amounts less than $1000.00)
Account Information
Account Type: Checking
Name on Account:
Routing Number:  
Account Number:  
Card Information
Name on Card:
Card Number:
Card Expiration (Month/Year):  / 
Card Security Code (CVV/CVC/CID):
Payment Amount:
Invoice Payment Memo:
Billing Address
Street Address 
ZIP Code 
Confirmation Email Address: (Optional)

By clicking Submit Payment, we hereby authorize New Benefits, Ltd. to initiate debit entries to the depository account indicated above. Authorized charges will appear in the depository account from "MEMBER BENEFITS".

Today's payment will be processed and reflected in your account within 5 business days. A confirmation email will be sent by our Finance Team to the Billing Contact of record.

Future month's payments will be automatically processed on the 20th of each month (or the business day immediately preceding or following if the 20th occurs on a weekend.)